Mini Shale Shaker for No Dig Drilling

No Dig drilling mud capacity always smaller and some drillings may need 150GPM capacity. Many solids control equipment manufacturer focus on oil&gas drilling and shakers aways have capacity minimum 400GPM. GN Solids Control bring in a Mini shale shaker with 200GPM capacity to meet Mini capacity requirement on No Dig Drilling.

Mini shale shakerGN mini shale shaker install 2 pc mini shaker screen, it’s availeble to install desilter cone to comby a mini mud cleaner for second phase cleaning. Does it cool?

200GPM No Dig Mud Recycling System to Show in Australia

Dear all, GN will bring a 200GPM mud recycling system to Australia to show for trenchless 2012 on No Dig equipment. It’s contains 2 phase cleaning with shaker and desilter with mixing pump and mixing hopper with a very compact design.

Other than No Dig exhibition in Oct, GN Australia will take part in Drill 2012 exhibition in Sep and estimate to bring a 200GPM or 500GPM mud system there.

Australia have a lot of drilling related to No Dig drilling and Coal Bed Methan drilling, Hope this info will helps all users in Australia to see a top quality mud syste犀利士
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Mission Type Centrifugal Pump for Desander/Desilter

GN manufactuer mission type centrifugal pump to feed GN supplied desander and desilter cone as part of solids control system.

Fuctions for the mission type centrifugal pump:

1) To work as feed pump for desander cone/desiliter cone

2) To work as mixing pump with mud hopper

3) To work as trip pump or transfer pump

Please contact GN Solids Control for more info