GN is a top
manufacture of solids control equipment in the world. It could manufacture
various solids control equipment and packaged mud system.
In this article,
we will give a brief introduction about the packaged mud system.

Usually, 1
complete set of mud system should include the following equipment, such as the
Shale Shaker, Desilter, Desander, Centrifuge, Centrifuge Pumps, Agitators, Mud
Guns, Mud tanks and some other necessary components.
For the mud
systems that manufactured by GN, they are widely not only used in the oil &
gas drilling industry, but HDD industry, coal bed methane drilling, water well
drilling, geothermal well drilling, mining, piling works, tunnel construction,
dredging construction. Sometimes they are also used for treating the industrial
wastewater and executing the solid-liquid separation.
As the mud
system are widely used in different industries and different industries have
different requirements, so there are always little or big differences between
different requirement that used in different industries, such as,

1.Usually the
packaged mud system used in the oil & gas drilling industry is very big,
there are many different solids control equipment installed like shale shakers,
mud cleaners, vacuum degasser, centrifugal pumps, jet mud mixer, agitators, mud
guns. There are many mud tanks for different functions, some tanks will be used
as storage tanks, some tanks will be used as mixing tanks, some tanks will
service for the solids control equipment.
2. The packaged
mud system is small, such as used in the HDD industry and CBM drilling
industry. The system structure will be compact and easily moved and the tank
quantity could be limited and tank volume could be small.
3. GN could
manufacture the customized mud system according to the customer requirements,
such as the specific onsite situation, the condition of drilling fluids, the
desired treatment effect of drilling fluids.
Finally, if you
want to learn more about GN Solids Control, welcome to visit GN’s website
and contact us.