In Singapore, GN Solids Control have a complete system from solids control to dewatering, helping clients to have some good final result. A video

GN big bowl decanter centrifuge is always welcome all over the world, because of its good quality, well design, and good price also. Customized design also been done on the dosing unit, can be a 20ft whole container, or a stand alone unit, or any other composition.

GN Waste Decanter Centrifuge Features:
PLC Control Centrifuge Conveyor
High G Force up to max 3000. Big Volume Design.
Bowl Material Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 made from centrifugal casting.
Conveyor Wear Surface: Tungsten carbide tiles .The life is much longer than hard surface. And all tiles is interchangeable for easy maintenance.

Preasurized Explosiong Proof with PLC and HMI control for automatical operation.
All the bearings for the centrifuge are SKF
And can be used for Drilling Waste Management, water based drilling waste and Oil Sludge Treatment

Introduction of The GNDU2000 Series 20FT
Dewatering Unit provides a process of chemically enhanced configuration to remove the fine solids less than 5 microns from the water based drilling fluids. As it known that traditional solids control equipments like shale shaker, desander desilter, and decanter centrifuge will removes solids upper than 5 microns, for colloidal-size particles which is less than 5 microns will build up in the drilling mud system. To maintain the drilling mud properties, the operators have to dilute the drilling fluids with water, this consumes more water and create more drilling waste.