A Customized Environment Waste Management Solution

Various Waste
Now China is like old UK, we got many problems with coal usage, we knew it, trust me, we knew it, and still, we are on the old track, having the same problem, maybe not a tragedy yet, but close.
For environment problems, we need to handle much more than coal, different pollution comes to us before we realized it was our price for developing.
And we never realized that when we did it, at least we never thought it was a problem.
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Lucky now we know, now we wake up, in the smoke, we are trying to repair, find solution for the damaged planet. The biggest job we can handle is not so related to air pollution, or water pollution, it is part of them, and fortunatly we are part of it.
This time a client comes to us, need to separate the waste, even for this project, waste from different place. With differnt size particles.
Solutions From GN
When we analyse the site waste, from pictures, samples, we decided to use a system, which contains a shale shaker, and a decanter centrifuge. Shale shaker for dispose most of the big ones, then centrifuges with foluccent maybe, maybe not, to separate the small ones, to reuse water at the same time.
About This System
For thic specific project, we are using GNZS594E shale shaker, with G force upto 7, and armed with composite material screens to increase the equipment life time. For the centrifuge, we are using most popular model GNLW363CG-VFD, SS2205, tungstun carbide tiles screw etc.
This same logic is widely open sourced, can be extend to different similar ideas, different shaker, different centriruge, also work.

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