Well like everything you want to manage, you should know it. So basically where is it from, what is it consist of, the charactor densitiy, viscosity, solids content, size distribution.
If you do not know, do not worry, there must be a lot of labs ready to help you.
Then what kind of result you want?
Any standard you need to comply?
Or based on the waste analysis you have, and find what you do not need, or what you need, then decide what to be separated out. And how?

The Waste Management Equipment
There are a lot of equipment based on different material, different purpose, different application. While lots of them have same / similar principle. For drilling related waste and environmental projects, below equipment is the basic ones
Drying shaker, like the other shale shakers, but have higher G force, so can separate higher viscosy parts, or the fluids wanted to stay with solids.
Cuttings dryer, it is working like a centrifuge, vertical, with screens. so the liquids can be able to sepated in the solids looks like dry parts.
Well at the same time, some people may also consider solids control equipment as part of the waste management equipment, so we also count on shaker, mud cleaner, centrifuge etc.
Decanter centrifuge, the centrifuge is almost everywhere, even decanter, most of them seems like same but acturally different, with different specifications.
Dewatering unit, chemicals is helpful on all these progress.